Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Eyes Like Jesus

Today during recreation time I was sitting and talking with a group of teenage orphan girls. One of them gazed into my eyes and, in all earnestness, said, “Wow, you have eyes like Jesus!” The other girls all enthusiastically nodded their heads in agreement. I was confused. Eyes like Jesus? What does that mean? I asked for clarification, but didn’t get a satisfactory answer. Surely they didn’t mean my eyes look like Jesus’ eyes. Who knows what His eyes look like?

This girl’s statement stuck with me through the rest of the day. I’m not sure I’ll ever understand what she meant by this, but I felt honored and flattered. What a compliment to receive! Beauty is fleeting, but “eyes like Jesus”…wow! As I reflected on the meaning of this statement later, I came up with 2 possibilities:

1.)    Maybe they saw (but didn’t realize) the reflection of Jesus in my eyes. After all, I was looking at THEM, and these girls always show me Jesus’ love and goodness through their kindness, smiles, laughs and camaraderie. 

2.)    Jesus’ eyes looked on all of creation with LOVE. He saw the good in others. He saw their faith, their potential. Could it be that I am starting to see the good in others and the beauty in all of creation that surrounds me, too? It’s easy enough to find faults in others and in the broken, sinful world we live in.  I think I have done this pretty naturally most of my life.  But it is a challenge to choose instead to see the bright side of life.  Has my time here given me a different outlook, a new perspective, eyes that look on the world with hope, love and joy instead of doubt and criticism? 

I guess the first explanation is more probable, but the second explanation is something that may be GRAUDALLY occurring in me and something I would like to STRIVE toward.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Cravings…they’re everywhere!

I believe I have grown pretty accustomed to East Timorese food-or, at least the food served here at the convent-and I honestly really enjoy it! The biggest surprise to me was seeing white rice and bread served at every meal! There is an abundance of green vegetables (which are almost always dripping with oil!), breadfruit (actually a vegetable), corn and potatoes, as well sweet, delicious fruits served for dessert such as bananas, mangoes, grapefruit, apples, oranges, pineapple and jackfruit! We eat eggs and fish often, and have chicken or pork once or twice a week.

Although I eat well, over my time here I have experienced some pretty strong cravings for foods from back home: Most notably:

The color of the altar server’s robes at Sunday Mass remind me of Bluebell Vanilla Bean ice cream! It is very hard to concentrate on the readings when I am salivating over ice cream!

The other day on one of my morning runs I passed a hut where I smelled the distinct aroma of BBQ! Oh how I longed to be at Harold’s Restaurant chowing down on some brisket, sausage or turkey, cornbread, green beans and a nice peach cobbler for dessert!

We had red beans the other night for dinner. Their smell reminded me of refried beans, and I instantly hearkened back to my love of Mexican food and Casa Herrera (where I had my farewell party way back in September!). I think this will be the first restaurant I go to once I am back in Abilene (family and friends take note)!

My Bath and Body works hand sanitizer is a wonderful (Christmas) scent called, “Caramel Apple Spice”. I really love it! Although I have been using it for a few months now, today for the first time the scent reminded me of Swedish Fish candy!

Other things I have been craving (for no apparent reason): goldfish crackers, waffles, cereal and oatmeal, Wendy’s chocolate frosties, my mom’s chili and my Nana’s mashed potatoes :D

Whew, I better wrap this blog up…just writing about these things makes me hungry! As a footnote, I would like to emphasize that I am really so grateful to be here and blessed to have 3 meals a day (and snacks available to me, too).  I know I am eating much better than many East Timorese people, so I don’t want to sound like I am complaining. I’m NOT. I just thought you might enjoy reading what foods I miss. Oh, and the next time you reach for your favorite snack (or any of the items listed above), please say a special prayer for everyone here in East Timor!! Thank you and God Bless! :D